Friday, October 29, 2004

10/29/04-Improvised Equipment...

When Gma was in nurses training, she had to take a class in improvised equipment. It was a class on things you can use when you don’t have actual medical equipment handy. Kazakhstan adoption is a class in forced improvised equipment. For instance, if you use a dirty bib as your washcloth when you do the dishes, you don’t have to wash them. No high chair – no problem. A slotted back chair and Dad’s belt can work just fine. Don’t have a toaster? Stick a piece of bread on a fork and cook it over the gas stove flame. The fancy new toys you bought don’t work then just pin a clothes pin to his or her shirt and they will be occupied for some time. An empty paper towel tube can do the same. We had even prepared a little improvised equipment for our trip home when we brought a roll-up doggie bed so we could lay the kids on the floor of the plane. Well, it is a great changing pad and protective barrier for Gracie when Jack is in the walker. So, when you find yourself in a former Soviet republic with two 10-month olds, keep your wits around you and an inventory of everything you have, because in a pinch, it may become useful.

The days are getting easier. Though we don’t have a schedule yet, we are getting direction from the kids. Gracie is completely over all her physical ailments – eating and pooping with quite regularity. I’m finding that the Gracie clinginess is a sign for things – hunger, thirst, sleep, changing. It happens sooner than expected, but we are starting to figure out what to do. She sleeps a lot, but she is getting plenty of food and formula. Jack still has his teeth coming in, which seems to hit around 3:00 pm. He is definitely getting attached to Gma. We finally had a moment where Grace actually was going over to Gma and GI Jack bolted, knocked her out of the way and got there first. Gma had to pick up both of them, which Grace wanted nothing to do with, so she cried for Dad. But at least she is trusting Gma. She actually spent an hour with Gma in the morning while Dad went for one of his daily walks.

We’ve spoken to Mary Jo. She got home just fine. (Thanks gpa.) Yes, the first thing she did – take a shower. Then she called her dearest love. Ah, we see the priorities. (This writer does not blame her. He would have done the same thing. Actually, he would have probably eaten first, but same difference.)

Right now, I’m sitting in the dark as the power suddenly went out. There is still a little light outside, but we will be fine. We both have little flashlights and Gma can use my book light and I’ll use the computer light. Talk about your improvised equipment.

We have a few cute pictures today. Both kids were in their bib overalls. Check them out.


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