Thursday, October 21, 2004

10/21/04-Everyone prefers Jack and Grace to Will and Grace anyway...

Well, Will and Grace fans, a whole new season of Jack, Grace, Will (Bill) and Karen (Mary Jo) has begun. We are now in the apartment and the kids are with us. It is night time and the kids are asleep. We don’t know if they will sleep through the night or when they will get up. We’re trying to get them on a schedule, but we are still learning what makes these kids tick. (We’re hearing some whimpering coming out of the room, but we are standing strong.)

Last night, we stayed in the apartment for the first time. As I mentioned this morning, it is a nice little place, once you get past the entrance way. Our bedroom/living room has a ¾ bed and a couch that pulls out. We decided to make no attempt to share the bed, so Bill took the couch and MJ the bed. (MJ wants us to point out that Bill insisted on the couch. He agrees with this interpretation of the decision making process.) We both had decent nights sleep, which is pretty amazing when you consider the new sleeping structures and the fact that we knew in the morning that our lives would change forever. Again, there is no turning back…

In the morning, went to the orphanage and had our last visit in the big playroom. All the usual characters were there – Francis, Marguerite, Allie, and Bakhit (the kids) and Jane, Jerry, Steve, Lisa, Martha and Antigone (the adults). We had a nice uneventful play day and then took the kids back to their rooms one last time to be changed for the big trip. This was the first time they would be wearing the clothes we brought (and ones that match for that matter). Surprisingly, everything fit. We bundled them up and got in the van to head to our temporary home. MJ is very clear about this – this is not home. Home is Pittsburgh. But for some of us who will be here the next month, this will have to make due as home.

After we got here, we decided to get them started on their first meal. Apparently, in the baby food area, we picked the right things, because they ate it right up. Grace finished all of hers and Jack most of his. Then we tried them on their first bottle. This did not go well. Grace wouldn’t touch hers. We tested to see if it was the bottle, but she wouldn’t drink it out of a cup either. Jack drank half of his. This had us a little concerned because we are banking on the high octane formula we brought helping to get some weight on these kids. But with lunch done, we then tried them on their first nap. There was a little fussing and some crying (and moaning and sighing), but they got a two hour sleep in. We just hung out while they slept and talked about what revision we would make to the formula to make little Miss Gracie drink. We decided to add some sugar, since they use a lot of that in the orphanage. It isn’t our first choice, but we figure we can slowly wean her off the sugar as she gets used to the formula. After her nap, we tried a full bottle on her and she drank it right up. Jack finished the remainder of his.

The remainder of the day was spent playing and occupying ourselves – the kids and the adults. As many of you know, kids at this age (less than 1) are not the most exciting kids to play with. Not a lot of attention span and not much occupies them other than finding things to put in their mouths. We gave them pacifiers for the first time. We debated whether to start them on “binkies” since they haven’t used them yet and they are not recommended by everyone, but we thought it would get them used to sucking again and might help get their thumbs out. Also, we figured they could be another toy they put in their mouths. They explored them and played with them more than used them. Eventually, Grace figured out how they go in their mouth, but then she took them out. Occasionally, they would pick them up and try them out.

After play-time, Mom went and got dinner ready. They each ate a hardy dinner, but again wouldn’t drink their bottles. We’ve decided we will give them their bottles at times other than dinner, like first thing in the morning, after naps or before bed. I’m sure all you experienced parents can tell us many of these things, but we are just experimenting to see what works. Our goal, as I’ve shared before, is to get some meat on their bones. We would really like to get Grace to be allowed to face forward in her car seat before she enters Junior High.

After dinner, we played some more and then it was bath-time. Ah, another drama survived. Grace did not like her bath. We are not sure if that is left over from some orphanage experience or if she is just another 10-month old who hates baths. Through a lot of fussing and squirming, Dad was able to get her cleaned up and handed off to Mom to get dressed for bed. Jack did a little better. He didn’t love it, but he didn’t fight it either. They both got their pajamas on, which we bought at the Carter’s outlet 6 months ago and surprisingly, they fit both of them. We tried for an 8:00 pm bedtime, but we had to give in at 7:45 because Miss Gracie was just miserable. They cried a little, but eventually fell asleep. At this point, they are still asleep.

Dad and Mom are sitting on the couch wondering again what we were thinking. Man, are we beat. I have to say this day was everything all of you said it would be – moments of joy, moments of sorrow, moments of wonder and moments of frustration. And this was the first day! We know (or is it hope) it will get better. (Please keep in mind, we are operating on less of the modern conveniences many possess back home. We have to boil the water before we do dishes or bath the kids.) All in all, as I’ve said before, we had a good day.

Here are a few pictures of the kids and their new living arrangement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for the McGrath family, finally together!!! I am so overjoyed! And you survived!

I hope Gracie gets a bit more cooperative with the formula thing. Though, have you ever tasted the stuff? Uck! LOL Also, and fyi...Sophia became very constipated on formula, so we put a dab of corn syrup in her bottles to "keep her regular". I suppose it helped with the taste, too!

Anything you want us to send with mom on saturday? We took her and dad out to dinner last night. Told her she was your problem now! (I, for one, am going to miss her! I don't know if the cord will stretch that far!!!!)

I'll be sending much love, if nothing else. Hey, what sizes are those bundles wearing now?

Love, Katho

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for the McGrath family, finally together!!! I am so overjoyed! And you survived!

I hope Gracie gets a bit more cooperative with the formula thing. Though, have you ever tasted the stuff? Uck! LOL Also, and fyi...Sophia became very constipated on formula, so we put a dab of corn syrup in her bottles to "keep her regular". I suppose it helped with the taste, too!

Anything you want us to send with mom on saturday? We took her and dad out to dinner last night. Told her she was your problem now! (I, for one, am going to miss her! I don't know if the cord will stretch that far!!!!)

I'll be sending much love, if nothing else. Hey, what sizes are those bundles wearing now?

Love, Katho

11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the biggest smile on my face (and a few chuckles) while I read today's journal. I'm so happy that you are all finally together. Boy-those babies do look spiffy today. Can I start buying clothes for them now???? Here's to another great (and adventurous)day for the McGrath Family of Four! Cherish the good...the bad...and the ugly. We miss you and love you!

8:31 AM  

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