11/09/04-One last trip to the Gros Market...
Ojjjmmnnnnnn mmmmmmmmmmmmm8 v
The opening of today’s journal was written for you by Grace Elizabeth McGrath, age 11 months. She decided she wanted to help Dad with his work tonight.
Today, I made what may have been my last trip to the GROS market. I think I got everything we need for the next week. Any small item that comes up can be purchased at a local market. You’ve heard me talk about some of the challenges and difficulties of living in Kazakhstan, so I thought I would give my top-ten list of foods that I will miss when we leave.
10. Georgian and Kazakhstan Wines – We’ve actually had a couple nice wines here. I picked one off the shelf and I didn’t know where it came from. We really liked it. I looked it up on the Internet and it is a Kazakhstani wine (Gold Product) that is gaining some International recognition. And, like many other things, it was cheap, about $7 a bottle. We also had a nice Georgian wine (that is Eastern Europe Georgia, not southeastern US Georgia) that was $4. Of course, I didn't have the guts to try the $1 Vodka.
9. Блинчики (pronounced: Bleencheekees) – Basically blintzes that you find in the freezer section. I liked the ham and cheese blintzes. Gma liked them with mustard. Apparently, you can get them with anything inside, including chocolate.
8. Bacon – It is kind of a cross between American and Canadian bacon. I think it is tastier than Canadian, but not as fatty as American. I think its pork. Yeah, I’m sure it’s pork. At least I know it is bacon, because the name on the label was бeкон, which is pronounced “bacon”.
7. Little croissants – They are not as big and fat-filled as they are in the US and are great for sandwiches. And they only cost about 9¢.
6. Beef in spices – A corned beef-like meat that is wonderful as a sandwich.
5. Gallina Blanca Bouillon cubes – Gma has made a couple dishes with them and they really added taste. She says they are better than anything back home. We bought a couple boxes to bring home.
4. AXA Honey roasted Musli with Chocolate – A type of mueslix cereal, that is, well, the name tells it all.
3. The brown bread – It has no preservatives, fresh from a market nearby, tasty, and costs about 15¢, unless you get the version with the sesame seeds on it. Then price skyrockets to 24¢. Are you seeing a theme about some of the breads? Good quality, low cost.
2. KRACKS – A Pringles like chip from Malaysia. I like them better than Pringles and they have no cholesterol. And, since I can’t read the rest of the label, the fat doesn’t count, right?
And the #1 food item that I will miss when I leave:
EFES BEER – the beer that made Kazakhstan famous!
The kiddos are still doing fine. They were both a joy today. Jack discovered his new favorite toy tonight – a large empty box that I brought back from shopping. He is such a boy.
I sat the kids on the couch and took a bunch of pictures. I thought they came out well. I’ve also included a couple new videos.
Today’s Pictures
Video 1 – Jack was really a performer today, doing all his new tricks – bye-bye, blowing kisses, patty-cake, etc.
Video 2 – Grace was just hanging at her dad’s legs in a great mood. Then she decided she wanted to read a book.
Wow- the 2 pictures of Gracie sucking her thumb look just like one thumb sucking Sophia Post! The pictures are great-what little characters they are. Can't wait to get my hands on them! Only 2 more weeks!!!!
Take care-
Love-Mar and girls
Great videos today! I can't believe how quickly Jack has learned patty-cake, waving and blowing kisses. Just goes to show you that kids are little sponges when it comes to learning. Grace was dressed just like a little miniature Mary Jo. Too cute! Love, Jen & TJ
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