The Adoption Show
The continuing adventures of Mary Jo and Bill, two not quite sane Americans traveling to Kazakhstan to find their kids.
The continuing adventures of Mary Jo and Bill, two not quite sane Americans traveling to Kazakhstan to find their kids.
We love you guys, and can't wait to meet Jackson and Grace! Hang in there:) Love, the Garritys
We love you guys, and can't wait to meet Jackson and Grace! Hang in there:) Love, the Garritys
Bilbo and MJ, The girls and we pray every night for you all. They giggled at the pictures! We can't wait to have you all home.
God Bless!!!
Much love, Kathy, Lawrence, Sophia, Amelia and Louisa
To the newest McGraths, Elizabeth and Jackson...
Welcome to the family! Can't wait to meet you! Big kiss and hug to you and to Mommy MJ and Daddy Bill.
Much love, Carrie
To the newest McGraths, Elizabeth and Jackson...
Welcome to the family! Can't wait to meet you! Big kiss and hug to you and to Mommy MJ and Daddy Bill.
Much love, Carrie
I mean Grace...I mean it so much I bet it posts twice.
much love...again, Carrie
Hi Bill and Mary Jo - We are so happy for you. Grace and Jackson are darling. Caitlin has already announced she's your one and only babysitter. I've shared the pictures wtih everyone at work and the reaction from all is the same - such cute babies and so exciting! Can't wait to meet these little guys! God bless you - you are doing God's work and are shining examples of His love. Lots of love, Jen, Jim, Will, Cait & Teejman
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